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Game programming. Game creation with C++/DirectX

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Computer architecture

Creation date: 2012-08-28 21:50:47
Last edited on: 2012-08-28 21:53:17

In this beginning lesson we'll become familiar with computer architecture. Why, you ask? And I'll tell you, that knowing of computer architecture is not necessary for game creation, but this knowledge will serve you good, if you'll go to master programming.

So, if you see in you future programming (games, system programs, mobile apps), this tutorial is necessary. Or maybe you just interest to know the computer architecture.


What is the meaning of the word computer?

As we can see from the word itself, the task of computer is to compute. Compute what? In the beginning that were mathematics formulas.

Here we need to broaden notion of "computation". Word "computation" suppose solving some mathematical sum. But modern computers can solve not only math formulas, but can do a lot more. What's why I will use phrase "solving the problem" instead of "computation".

So, computer is electronic device that can solve problems. But not all problems, but problems associated with data processing.

Now it's time to briefly examine history of computers.

History of computer devices


The main microscheme in any modern computer device is processor (Central Processing Unit - CPU). CPU can do only simple calculations. The most close language to processor instructions is assembler. What's why assemler called low-level language. High-level languages allow to ease life of coder. But and program in any high-level language translates in assembler and only then executed by processor.